Customer Loyalty

Today, relations with clients is priceless because it constitutes not only one pillar of profitability for businesses, but the only guarantee of viability for medium and large purchases.

Customer loyalty, with service and incorporation of demand incentive programs can help to protect you against the elasticity of demand for industrial products. These systems have been greatly developed in the industrial world because the demand for industrial products usually is slightly elastic. From the point of seeing the price and on, you can better defend yourself if you enrich yourself with additional tangible, quantifiable, and measurable values: service, information, personal relation, etc.

Flint knows that your clients are your most precious treasure and helps you to utilize relational marketing in order to increase the loyalty of your clients and capture new ones by means of strategic communication methods:

  • . Positive client discrimination programs (VIP clients, user groups, etc.)
  • . Sales campaign strategies
  • . Actions at the point of sale and promotions directed at users and final buyers of the product
  • . Service programs and technical information about the product, possible applications ,etc.
  • . Vacations and fixed incentives to strengthen relations with clients through creating specific events.
  • . Creation of classrooms and training programs (orientations to increase the confidence in the product and at the same time minimize the possible changes to the product brand in the use)

Customer satisfaction surveys

  • » Quantitative and qualitative studies about the opinion that the clients themselves have about the product and/or service, the attention received, post-sale service, business logistics, the support or the technical information etc.