Trend Studies

The object of these studies is to amass a strategic knowledge of future product trends at the sectorial, professional, or consumer level, in order to always situate oneself in the most dynamic and competitive position.

The studies of these trends attempts to answer questions like:
  • » What do potential clients of the products demand now and what will they demand in the future?
  • » What socioeconomic characteristics do the buyers of these products have now and in the future?
  • » What evolution has this product market undergone and in what direction are the next steps?
  • » What role do the prescribers have or will they have in the sale of the product and in the trends?
  • » How does the client perceive the product in the store or specialized distributor?
  • » What market opportunities will exist in each one of the sales groups?
  • » etc ...

General methodology of jobs

These jobs follow the following dynamic:

Analysis of trend study
In this phase the points to investigate are presented during a briefing, and the sources of information necessary and available for the execution of the analysis are identified. Also, the types of specialists that will finish the study in the function of the points established in the briefing are assigned.

Elaboration of the investigation outline
This is the guide for the realization of the job. It includes all of the points to treat in the same manner with the hired business. At this moment, the search and selection of the information that later is processed for the analysis and interpretation of the results is finalized.